Restorative Justice Online is a service of the Prison Fellowship International Centre for Justice and Reconciliation. Its purpose is to be an authoritative, credible, non-partisan resource of information on restorative justice. The Restorative Justice Online editors have developed several features they hope will help users navigate the site.
The Center for Peacemaking & Conflict Studies at Fresno Pacific University maintains an exhaustive list of links to international and domestic organizations with academic and practical restorative justice websites.
The Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice at Eastern Mennonite University is the website for the man considered to be the Dean of Restorative Justice in the United States, Howard Zehr and provides access to his text The Little Book of Restorative Justice, as well as other resources and useful information.
The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the Unversity of Minnesota maintains a website with very helpful information about restorative justice including links, an outstanding bibliography of restorative justice books and articles, listed by either author or title; other restorative justice links; and videos by Dr. Mark Umbreit, who graciously allowed the use of his his video describing restorative justice on this site.
Resources About Restorative Justice