Restorative Justice seeks the healing of all who have been harmed by crime:
Diocese of Santa Rosa
Need Help?
Were you or someone you love the victim of a crime?
Are you or is someone you love imprisoned or under supervised release, probation or parole following a conviction?
Are you or a family member a first-responder, law enforcement or correctional officer, or legal professional encountering crime and its consequences in the course of your employment?
Is your life today different because of crime?
If so, it is our mission to help heal the harms caused by crime!
Get Involved!
What can you do to heal the harm caused by crime? Crime causes many harms and there are many opportunities to contribute to their healing. No matter what your present situation, your help is needed.
We believe that the success of everything we attempt depends upon prayer. We rely upon the energy, time and talent of those who volunteer, and the generosity of those who can donate their funds.
About Us. . .
Located in the Diocese of Santa Rosa, California, the office of Catholic Restoratice Justice Ministries serves the six counties of north-western California.
Our mission is to restore and improve community by inspiring those affected by crime to
achieve individual healing through self-knowledge, empathy and spiritual growth.
News You Can Use!
Training Opportunities and Events
VOEG at Pelican Bay State Prison
VOEG was developed by the Insight Prison Project and has been successfully implemented at San Quentin State Prison for ten years. We are excited about offering Pelican Bay inmates the opportunity to participate since 2015. Our first two groups graduated in mid-2017 and there are presently groups on three yards.
Getting Ready to - Get on the Bus

Each year, Get on the Bus transports children to visit their incarcerated parents. Under the supervision of Bus Coordinators Joan Warner of St. Helena and Becky Sallady and Dcn. John Storm of Santa Rosa, this valuable program strives to overcome the challenges that families face as a result of the imprisonment of a parent. Please consider joining us as a volunteer or by donating to Get on the Bus.